Prophets and Apostles, past and present, tell us that building Zion is up to us – no waiting required.

We are Called to Build Zion

“The kingdom of God is before us; we have it to build up, and to establish the Zion of our God upon this land. And if I am right in my views and feelings, the Latter-day Saints cannot labor too fast nor too diligently to accomplish the work they are called to do. Then let us go to with our might, and labor faithfully to establish that kingdom which is all and in all to us. May the Lord help us. Amen.”

– Brigham Young, 3/2/1862

We Have Everything We Need to Build Zion…

“There is not one thing wanting in all the works of God’s hands to make a Zion upon the earth when the people conclude to make it. We can make a Zion of God on earth at our pleasure, upon the same principle that we can raise a field of wheat, or build [homes] and inhabit [them]. “

– Brigham Young, 2/23/1862

…We Have the Authority

“I say to you, and I bear testimony to it, that all the keys, all the authority, all the power, and all the Spirit that were necessary to build up Zion were bestowed upon the Prophet Joseph; and by him conferred upon his fellow-servants, and are in existence and held and exercised at the present time by the Apostles of this Church.”

– President George Q. Cannon, 3/3/1889

…We Have the Determination

“We are not going to wait for angels, or for Enoch and his company to come and build up Zion, but we are going to build it. We will raise our wheat, build our houses, fence our farms, plant our vineyards and orchards, and produce everything that will make our bodies comfortable and happy, and in this manner we intend to build up Zion on the earth and purify it and cleanse it from all pollutions.”

– Brigham Young, 2/23/1862

…We Have the Opportunity

“I consider that we are in a position in which we have every chance to do a great deal of good in our day and generation, we have every chance to work with the Lord, every chance to fulfil our mission and calling here on the earth. We have every chance to build up the Zion of God.”

– Wilford Woodruff, 5/6/1870

…We Have the Power

“The Lord has put into our hands the power to build up his Zion and kingdom on the earth, and we have more to encourage us than was ever possessed by any generation that has preceded us. “

– Wilford Woodruff, 1/12/1873

…We Have the Priesthood

“You are literally and lawfully heirs of the Priesthood through the lineage of your fathers, and that Priesthood will continue throughout eternity, therefore you have received your appointment, and the Lord looks to you to build up his Zion and kingdom upon the earth.”

– Wilford Woodruff, 9/12/1875

…We Have the Resources

“The elements are here to produce as good a Zion as was ever made in all the eternities of the Gods. “

– Brigham Young, 2/23/1862

…We Have the Right to Build Zion

“It is for us, as children of our heavenly Father, to arise and assume the right the law of the Holy Priesthood gives us, and organize the elements for a Zion, and bring it forth, no matter where we are. I would not give much for a religion that is not thus practical.”

– Brigham Young, 2/23/1862

The Lord is Willing

“I was present at the time the revelation came for the brethren to give their surplus property into the hands of the Bishops for the building up of Zion…. If we are disposed to enter into covenant one with another, and have an agreement made according to the laws of our land, and we are disposed to put our property into the hands of trustees, and work as we are directed… the Lord has not the least objection in the world, and would be perfectly willing for us to do it, and I should like, right well, for us to try it.”

– Brigham Young, 4/7/1873

What Modern Apostles & Prophets Have Said

“…this cause in which we are engaged is not an ordinary cause. It is the cause of Christ. It is the kingdom of God our Eternal Father. It is the building of Zion on the earth.” – President Gordon B. Hinckley, Oct. 1989

“Let us once and for all establish our residence in Zion and give up the summer cottage in Babylon.” – Elder Neal A. Maxwell, March 1989

The establishment of Zion should be the aim of every member of this Church…. ‘And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.’
“Take special note of the word because in this scripture. Zion is established and flourishes because of the God-inspired lives and labors of its citizens. Zion comes not as a gift but because virtuous covenant people are drawn together and build it.” –
Elder Keith B. McMullin, Oct. 2002

“Our differences are not so great that we cannot build Zion together.” – President Bonnie D. Parkin.

One of the greatest challenges we will face is to be able to live in that world but somehow not be of that world. We have to create Zion in the midst of Babylon.”  and “We can create the real Zion among us by limiting the extent to which Babylon will influence our lives…. We can live as a Zion people, if we wish to.” – Elder David R. Stone, Apr.2006

In our families and in our stakes and districts, let us seek to build up Zion…” – Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Oct.2008

“In the terrible days of persecution and deprivation as the faithful moved from Ohio to Missouri to Illinois and then across the deserts going west, the sisters in their poverty and sorrows cared for others. You would weep as I did if I now read to you some of the accounts in your history…Their determination born of faith to serve the Lord and others seemed to take them not around the storms of life but directly into them. Some were young and some old. They were from many lands and peoples, as you are today. But they were of one heart, one mind, and with one intention. They were determined to help the Lord build His Zion, where there could be the happy existence the Book of Mormon had described so vividly for them.” – Henry B. Eyring, Oct. 2009

(updated 10/30/2015)