But do not set your hearts on your buildings; for I would rather have you remain in your wagons and dugouts than do that. We have to learn how to build up Zion, and to realize, when it is built, that it is not ours, until it is given to us by our Father as […]
Monthly Archives: May 2015
16. What Building Zion Requires of Us, Brigham Young, 1857
When the law is revealed to us and the ordinances committed to our charge, if we exercise ourselves therein according to the best knowledge and wisdom that we have, and continue so to do, God will add to us, until we shall know how to establish Zion in perfection, and have the kingdom of God, […]
15. What Building Zion Requires of Us, Daniel H. Wells, 1857
We hold ourselves ready to go at a moment’s warning to the uttermost parts of the earth to subserve the principles of our holy religion, by making them known to others, to save Israel and bring out those the Lord has scattered, to aid in building up Zion, and in building temples of the Most […]
Thoughts on Zion 29: Early Saints Prep for Babylon’s Assault

Building on the great strides taken by the LDS Church in their 2nd decade in Utah to achieve independence from the American economic system, the Saints during their 3rd decade went to even greater lengths to insulate themselves from “Babylon” . In 1867, Church leaders realized the soon-to-be-completed railroad would threaten the social and economic […]
Jesse 'Thoughts on Zion' newspaper column babylon, Cooperatives, railroad, School of the Prophets, ZCMI