Incorrect traditions, though long followed, have to be surrendered, and we have to build up Zion. The plan of Zion contemplates that the earth, the gardens, and fields of Zion, be beautiful and cultivated in the best possible manner. Our traditions have got to yield to that plan, circumstances will bring us to that point, […]
Monthly Archives: July 2015
Last Topic of Brigham Young’s Last Sermon

In my search through the sermons given in Territorial Utah mentioning “building Zion”, I ran across Brigham Young’s last address. Thinking that it might be interesting to see what he had to say just before he passed, I skimmed through the talk and discovered the last paragraph was not a “keep the commandments” message, as […]
Thoughts on Zion 31: The Genesis of Mormon Cooperatives

Many Saints today may be unaware that many of their Utah ancestors worked in cooperatives. The Utah Territory, at one time, was considered the premier place to observe Cooperative Free Enterprise in action. There were as many as 200 manufacturing and retail cooperatives in operation producing and selling everything from wagons, nails, and furniture, to […]