Every man that has received the Priesthood, whether an Apostle, Prophet, High Priest, Elder, Bishop, Priest, or Teacher—all should live as one man—be of one heart and one mind. – Heber C. Kimball, 7/1/1860
Monthly Archives: August 2015
How Books About Zion Discourage us From Building It
In a Facebook group discussing Zion, a participant posted this comment which illustrates the problem pointed out in the title of this blog post: “I am all for increased spirituality. I keep thinking of John Pontius’ book regarding Zion. I feel I still have so much to learn and so far to go. I too […]
History Shows We Can Prepare for Zion Now by Building Cooperatives

My guess is that it will take us a whole generation, or two, functioning on the cooperative enterprise level before our children, or grandchildren, would be ready for the United Order level. Better get started, eh? If you’ve had any doubts to this point that “building Zion” is an economic activity, this should clinch it. […]
Thoughts on Zion 32 – LDS Church Launches Cooperative System!

In 1868, while manufacturing and retailing cooperatives were thriving in Brigham City, the LDS Church leadership wanted to expand that model throughout the Utah Territory to protect, strengthen, and unite the Saints economically, and prepare them to eventually live in United Orders. General Conference that October focused on preparing the Saints to support a church-wide […]
Jesse 'Thoughts on Zion' newspaper column Cooperatives, manufacturing, ZCMI