…this is the time the Lord has fixed for building up his Zion—that this is the time spoken of by the Prophets in which the Saints are commanded to gather out from the wicked. – Brigham Young, 6/7/1860
Monthly Archives: January 2016
79. Economic Unity, Brigham Young, 1863
If any of the Twelve are not capable of supporting themselves, we shall help them; and it is our duty to do so, and it is the duty of the people to have it on hand to be applied in this and in every other way suggested in the law of God for the building […]
77. What Building Zion Requires of Us, Brigham Young, 1862
I do not wish you to carry away a wrong impression of our true situation before the heavens relative to perfection. For you to be perfect, in one sense of the word, is to be prepared to inherit eternal glory in the presence of the Father and the Son. Should any mortal attain to this […]
Thoughts on Zion #36 – Lessons from the United Order Failures

With hindsight, it looks like Brigham Young may have jumped the gun by introducing the United Order to the Saints in 1873. That year there was a nation-wide banking panic and he apparently introduced the United Order to better insulate the Saints from the roller-coaster American economy. He was looking to help the Saints become […]