Let us prepare ourselves for the coming of Enoch’s Zion, that we may have the same order of things among us that they had in the beginning. Then, again, it will be a glorious thing in many other respects. What is it that creates this great inequality that we naturally see in the world, in […]
Monthly Archives: January 2017
Guest Post: Zion Will Begin in Salem, Utah
Doctrine & Covenants 111 has a duel message. It originally applied to Joseph Smith as he traveled to Salem, Massachusetts. Here is the section heading provided in the LDS scriptures: “Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Salem, Massachusetts, August 6, 1836. At this time the leaders of the Church were heavily in debt due […]
183. Babylon – Zion’s Antithesis, Brigham Young, 1867
If you have the right to buy and sell and get gain, to go here and there, to do this and that, to build up the wicked and the ungodly, or their cities, you have rights that I have not got. I have the right to build up Zion, but I have no right to […]
Babylon – A False Organization of Society

Just watched an interesting, but sobering movie named “Noble“. It’s about an Irish woman whose tough background prepared her to make an enormous contribution to the welfare of the orphans and abandoned children of Viet Nam. Several scenes in the movie show the brutal abject poverty, which of course, isn’t isolated to Viet Nam […]
Thoughts on Zion #47 – Zion-Building Was a Main Focus for Early LDS Leaders
In cataloging all the “building Zion” quotes from early LDS leaders, I found 33 of them, spanning the same number of years, that show that the goal of establishing Zion was a primary focus for them. Let’s review a just a third of those quotes now, with emphases added. 1862: “I have Zion in my […]