We are told by the Revelator John, that a time would come when the people of God should be commanded to come out of Babylon, out of confusion, when they should be gathered out from every nation, from the remotest parts of the earth, and when he should make of them a great and mighty […]
Monthly Archives: August 2017
244. Economic Unity, Brigham Young, 1874
You hear a good deal from time to time, and you think a good deal, about the condition of the Latter-day Saints, and what we are trying to do with them concerning the United Order….. Thus saith the Lord unto my servant Brigham, Call ye, call ye, upon the inhabitants of Zion, to organize themselves […]
Was Fourth Nephi Truly a Zion Society?
We are safe in taking the word of modern prophets that the society described in Fourth Nephi was actually a Zion society. However, if we examine the question for ourselves, we can discover in greater detail what it was that actually made their society a Zion, and, better understand how to build our own today. […]
Thoughts on Zion #54: Individualism is Not a Zion Principle
Admitting to ourselves that we live in a Babylon-style society allows us to see that our day-to-day environment is saturated with Babylon’s pride-based values, and more importantly, that they are rubbing off on us, and, leading society in the opposite direction of Zion. One such pride-based value early LDS leaders tried to teach the Saints […]