The world is more or less controlled all the time by influences that Lucifer evidently is not opposed to; he has little objection to the present organization of human society, from the fact that everything passes along in the wake that agrees with his religion, and rather tends to forward his purposes. – Jedidiah M. […]
Monthly Archives: March 2018
304. What Building Zion Requires of Us – Franklin D. Richards quote, 1885
It was by an obedience to the same [gospel] principles that Enoch succeeded in gathering out the honest in heart unto the city of Zion. He was 365 years in building up that Zion and in gathering into it a people on the same principles that have been revealed to us in these latter days. […]
Lehi says Zion prevents captivity & destruction

As I was casually reading along in the Book of Mormon, minding my own business, I ran across a sentence I had not noticed before about Zion. It’s in 2 Nephi, chapter 1 where Lehi is admonishing his sons just before his passing. The last third of verse 21 jumped out at me for the […]