Our work is mapped out before us, it is all designed and planned by him who rules above, and it is time that every Elder in Israel fully understood this fact that the Latter-day Saints have got to take a part in all this work, and that we are not here to attend to our […]
Monthly Archives: September 2024
264. We are obligated to build Zion – Wilford Woodruff Quote, 1873
As an individual, I will say that I feel a great responsibility resting upon me, and it also rests upon you. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young alone have not been called to build up in the latter day that great and mighty kingdom of God which Daniel foretold, and which he said should be thrown […]
256. We are obligated to build Zion, Wilford Woodruff, 1880
I feel therefore to say to my brethren who bear the holy priesthood, and I say it to myself and to all—I do not think we have much time to lie down and slumber. We have no time to speculate in trying to get rich, in trying to accumulate gold and silver. What we have […]
242. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, John Taylor, 1881
Now, then, God has gathered us together for a purpose, and that purpose is to build up Zion and to establish His kingdom on the earth…. We are here, then, to build up Zion. – John Taylor, 1/9/1881
227. Its Temporal Too!, John Taylor, 1878
Brethren and sisters, God bless you. Let us love one another; let us seek to promote one another’s welfare. And let the Bishops and the Relief Societies, and the Young Men’s and Young Women’s Associations, and our mechanics and manufacturers, and also our merchants, and all hands, operate in the interests of the whole for […]
217. Central to The Gospel, John Taylor, 1884
We are here for the purpose of becoming acquainted with the will of God, with the law of God, with the order of God, with the dominion of God; and we are here to establish the kingdom of God. We are here to be taught in things pertaining to the Church of God, and its […]
208. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Wilford Woodruff, 1873
I would to God that the eyes of the Latter-day Saints were open far more than they are to those things that rest upon them! The Lord is looking to them alone to build up his Zion here in the mountains of Israel, and to prepare the bride, the Lamb’s wife, for the coming of […]
265. Central to The Gospel – Erastus Snow Quote, 1873
We are called to set our hearts upon the living God, who has called us to be his people, and to worship him with full purpose of heart. If he gives us houses and lands, goods and chattels, gold and silver and the precious things of the earth, receive them with thanksgiving, and hallow and […]
248. We are obligated to build Zion, Wilford Woodruff, 1876
Our calling is to perfect ourselves, to purify Zion, and make it a fit habitation for the Son of God when he comes; to build Temples, and in them perform the rites and ordinances for the living and the dead, and accomplish all that God designs us to do. And that we may be faithful […]
438. Co-ops are a Stepping Stone – John Taylor quote, 1879
We will strive to be one; and if we cannot go so far as to sustain cooperation in regard to these things, how in the name of common sense are we ever going into the United Order? But we will begin with this, and then cooperate in all the different Stakes, not only in your […]
288. Central to The Gospel – Joseph F. Smith quote, 1877
Then let us search after truth—for the light of the Spirit which leadeth into all truth, that we may comprehend the Gospel, be able to sustain the hands of the servants of God in their efforts to build up Zion, and work out our own salvation. – Joseph F. Smith, 4/2/1877
230. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Wilford Woodruff, 1868
Why have we gathered to Zion? To fulfill the revelations of God. Isaiah and Jeremiah and nearly all the prophets since the world began have foretold the gathering of the people in the last days to establish Zion…. We are here to do these things, and to receive teachings and instructions that we may be […]
240. Building Zion is Gods Will, Wilford Woodruff, 1884
We have come to this earth in this time upon a mission. We have been born on purpose in this generation to take part in this work. The Lord required an element to labor with. He will build up Zion. And I bear my testimony here to all men, and would to all the world […]
210. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, John Taylor, 1881
…all heaven is interested in the work in which we are engaged; and whatever other men may think about these things, we know what we are doing, and we shall try, in the name of the Lord, and under His guidance and direction, to build up his Zion upon the earth… and [establish] not only […]
212. We are obligated to build Zion, Erastus Snow, 1882
The calling and mission of the Latter-day Saints are to fulfill what is here promised in these Scriptures—to bring about the restoration of scattered Israel, the establishment of Zion, the preparing a people for the coming of Christ…. – Erastus Snow, 5/6/1882
193. No Need to Wait, Brigham Young, 1862
There is not one thing wanting in all the works of God’s hands to make a Zion upon the earth when the people conclude to make it. We can make a Zion of God on earth at our pleasure, upon the same principle that we can raise a field of wheat, or build and inhabit. […]