We are not going to wait for angels, or for Enoch and his company to come and build up Zion, but we are going to build it. We will raise our wheat, build our houses, fence our farms, plant our vineyards and orchards, and produce everything that will make our bodies comfortable and happy, and […]
Monthly Archives: February 2025
11. Building Zion is God’s Will, Brigham Young, 1860
The commandment has gone forth for the Saints to gather and build up Zion. – Brigham Young, 9/2/1860
20. Building Zion is God’s Will, Daniel H. Wells, 1862
Do we think that we shall be shielded from the judgments of the Almighty if we lay ourselves liable by the same acts as the world? If we do we are mistaken, for if we are guilty of the same crimes and wickedness the results will be the same with us as with the world, […]
22. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Amasa M. Lyman, 1855
…how long will it take us to build up Zion, to emigrate people from the far off corners of the earth, and they apostatize and run away when they get here? – Amasa M. Lyman, 12/2/1855
42. It’s Temporal Too!, George A. Smith, 1861
In this case the Mission to which you, brethren, are called is to build a city [ie. St. George]; it calls for wives, children, for machinery, for mechanics, for everything that is calculated to add to the comfort and happiness of the citizens of a city. We are not going to be a great while […]
66. Building Zion Requires Real Labor, Brigham Young, 1860
Go to work and say nothing about wages, but feel that “this is Zion; and what can I do to build it up, without asking any man to pay me one dollar?” Let that be your chief joy and delight, and you will never lack for work, food, or raiment. – Brigham Young, 9/2/1860
26. No Need to Wait, Brigham Young, 1862
We have all the material we need to build up Zion, and I wish the Spirit of Zion to extend from heart to heart, and from house to house. This good work must commence in each person; there must be instituted a watchful care over the passions to bring them under control, that an angry […]
37. Central to The Gospel, Brigham Young, 1857
It now remains with us to [1] bear off this kingdom, [2] build up Zion, and [3] establish the law thereof, until Christ shall reign King of nations as he now reigns King of Saints. – Brigham Young, 6/7/1857
We Can’t Coast into Zion “Sitting on a Hemlock Slab”

Yesterday morning I was continuing my on-going search through all the talks given during the Territorial Utah years by LDS General Authorities that mention Zion. As I go through them, nearly every mention of Zion falls neatly into about a dozen general idea categories. So, I ran across a talk by Wilford Woodruff given in […]
44. Central to The Gospel, Brigham Young, 1857
There is no time allotted to us to use outside of the limits of duty. But in doing our duty, in serving our God, in living our religion, in using every possible means to send forth the Gospel of salvation to the inhabitants of the earth, to gather Israel, and establish Zion, and build up […]
55. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1857
You hear brethren talk of coming to Zion to enjoy the blessings of this land; but do you not see that it is the short-sightedness of men which causes their disappointment when they arrive here? They read in the Bible, in the Book of Mormon, and Book of Doctrine and Covenants, about Zion, and what […]
52. No Need to Wait, Brigham Young, 1862
It is for us, as children of our heavenly Father, to arise and assume the right the law of the Holy Priesthood gives us, and organize the elements for a Zion, and bring it forth, no matter where we are. I would not give much for a religion that is not thus practical. – Brigham […]
503. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1884
This is what we are gathered here for—to build up the Zion of our God, to establish the Kingdom of God, and to purify and exalt the Church of the living God. – John Taylor, 2/10/1884
12. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Jedediah M. Grant, 1854
I am aware that some Elders who go forth and preach long and pious sermons, frequently represent Zion as one of the most delightsome places in the world, as if the people in Salt Lake City were so pure and holy that the flame of sanctity would almost singe the hair off a common man’s […]
13. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1855
When our Elders go out to preach the Gospel, they tell the people to gather to Zion. Where is it? It is at the City of the Great Salt Lake in the Valleys of the Mountains, in the settlements of Utah Territory—there is Zion now. But you perceive when you come here the same covetous […]
31. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Jedediah M. Grant, 1856
But we desire to appear before thee [Lord] with clean hands and hearts, to call upon thee for thy blessing and do thy will, that our inheritance may be blest and all we have, and that all the efforts we make to build up Zion and rear temples to thy name may be blest, that […]