But only a portion of those who have embraced the Gospel under the auspices of those successful Elders, have had faith and energy enough to gather with the Saints to take part in helping to build up Zion. – George A. Smith, 10/20/1861
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Posts by John Taylor Wilford Woodruff:
91. Central to The Gospel, Brigham Young, 1862
“It seems that the people ought to see that the Lord dictates, guides, and directs; that if a people are blessed, they are blessed of the Lord; and that if we exalt him and his kingdom, love him, serve him, and build up Zion upon the earth, we are sure to be exalted and possess […]
63. Central to The Gospel, Brigham Young, 1860
Men rise up here and say they do know that this is the work of God, that Joseph was a Prophet, that the Book of Mormon is true, that the revelations through Joseph Smith are true, that this is the last dispensation and the fullness of times, wherein God has set to his hand to […]
99. Building Zion is God’s Will, George Q. Cannon, 1867
"My brethren and sisters, we are commanded not to give the whole of our attention to the accumulation of earthly things; we are commanded also to lay up treasures in heaven. We are required to build up Zion on the earth; then let us take a course that will ensure to us the blessing and […]
67. It’s Temporal Too!, Daniel H. Wells, 1861
To build up Zion is a temporal labor; it does not consist simply in teaching: teaching is to instruct us how to properly apply our labor, the sooner and better to accomplish the end in view. Bone and sinew is required to build up the kingdom of God in the last days. – Daniel H. […]
106. Central to The Gospel, Daniel H. Wells, 1862
Here is the Mission of the Saints to go and aid in the gathering of the poor, to labor here for the building of the Temple wherein we can officiate for the dead and prepare to redeem Zion and to build up the waste places thereof, and to establish the principles of righteousness and truth […]
69. It’s Temporal Too!, Orson Hyde, 1862
Then I say let the blacksmith attend to his blacksmithing and let him charge a reasonable price for his labor, and not, as has been the custom, charge three or four prices. Let the joiner do likewise, working constantly at that which will most conduce to the building up of Zion, and let the farmer […]
47. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Joseph Young, 1857
There is a handful of people in these valleys. They have come to erect his temple, build the towers of Zion, to attend to the ordinances of the Gospel, and prepare for the great things that await the earth. – Joseph Young, 10/11/1857
97. Early Missionaries Taught About Zion, Brigham Young, 1867
“I want the missionaries to remember this and lay it to heart, if they will. Go and preach the gospel, and help the honest-in-heart to gather, that they may aid in building up Zion, for that was the design of the Lord when He said, through the Revelator John, ‘Come out of her, my people, […]
45. Central to The Gospel, Brigham Young, 1857
A great many have said to you and me, “Just leave out Joe Smith, the Book of Mormon, and modern revelations, and you will become popular.”… We are not going to leave out Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, nor the gathering, nor the building up of Zion. – Brigham Young, 7/5/1857
80. Central to The Gospel, Erastus Snow, 1860
And every true, faithful Latter-day Saint—yes, every mother and wife in Israel do feel this, and under no consideration would they throw an impediment in the way of their father, husband, or brother, to prevent their going to bear this message of life, or, if required to build up the temples of our God, to […]
57. We are obligated to build Zion, Erastus Snow, 1860
But so long as they remain upon the earth in the flesh, they remain under the same obligation to serve the Lord today as much as yesterday, and then continue the next day and the next week as they were at first to repent and be baptized for the remission of their sins, when the […]
43. No Need to Wait, Brigham Young, 1862
The elements are here to produce as good a Zion as was ever made in all the eternities of the Gods. Here are the elements to produce grain which is good for the food of man, as also the fruit of the vine, and that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the […]
89. Central to The Gospel, Brigham Young, 1860
“If the Twelve Apostles and the Presidents of Seventies and the High Priests will take the responsibility of bearing off this kingdom and sending the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth, of gathering the poor, building up Zion, and doing all that is necessary preparatory to the coming of the Son of Man, […]
65. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1860
If [the mobs] will not let us alone, we will take the musket and the sword in one hand, the trowel and the hammer in the other, and build up the Zion of our God; and they cannot prevent it. – Brigham Young, 3/4/1860
30. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1856
But let me engage in active operations, even though I do not personally perform one day’s manual labor, let me see the result of my thinking budding into existence, and my mind has something to rest upon. If I cannot carry out that which is in my mind—that which I wish to accomplish in all […]