A BYU Student named Akatzin Lopez recently wrote a paper for his religion class and titled it, Defining Zion: Striving for the Dream of Zion. Brother Lopez begins his paper by saying, “For me it is a little more difficult to really fathom what a Zion society would be like.” I admire his courage in admitting this.
Here’s my take-away:
That Akatzin found it “difficult to really fathom what a Zion society would be like” is a sad commentary on the deepness of the immersion of the LDS people into the traditions and customs of Babylon. We are modern Israel in bondage in modern Babylon, no wonder we struggle to fathom Zion. From our earliest days on Earth we are conditioned in Babylon’s values, we see our parents working every day in Babylon’s economy, we are taught for 12 or more years in Babylonian-style schools, we watch TV shows and movies that extol Babylon’s values and delicacies. No wonder we have no clue what Zion looks like.
The Solution:
I invite Akatzin and you dear reader to join my journey to understand exactly what Zion looks like, so that we are ready to build Zion communities the moment the opportunity arises. Here’s a good starting point: Summary of Ideas.
October 24, 2014 @ 3:28 pm
Pride might be the root of the problem and that become infused in us as we live in Babylon. But there are several more. It is overcoming covetousness, envy, … in fact as I start to list them I realize they are contained in the 7 deadly sins from Catholic lore: Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, Sloth.
They all limit our acceptance of the principles of Zion. With these characteristics we lack the humility necessary to build Zion.