“On the last night of a play, the whole cast and stage crew stay in the theater until the small, or not so small, hours of the morning striking the old set. If there is to be a new opening soon, as the economy of the theater requires, it is important that the new set […]
Why Wait?
How to Become a World-Class Zion Builder

Throughout the scriptures, both ancient and modern, prophets have foreseen our day and rejoiced that we, of all people in the history of the Earth, are blessed. We are the people God has entrusted with the task of becoming and building a Zion society, prepared to receive the Savior of the world when He returns […]
We Have Everything We Need to Build Zion Now
Prophets and Apostles, past and present, tell us that building Zion is up to us – no waiting required. We are Called to Build Zion “The kingdom of God is before us; we have it to build up, and to establish the Zion of our God upon this land. And if I am right in […]
How Books About Zion Discourage us From Building It
In a Facebook group discussing Zion, a participant posted this comment which illustrates the problem pointed out in the title of this blog post: “I am all for increased spirituality. I keep thinking of John Pontius’ book regarding Zion. I feel I still have so much to learn and so far to go. I too […]
Zion Learning Laboratories – Preparing to Live in the New Jerusalem

Prefer to listen? In a recent Facebook conversation, some active LDS members and I were discussing the idea of building Zion organizations and communities prior to Christ’s coming. I was struck by what appears to be a common belief, that when people hear the phrase “building Zion”, they only seem to think about when the […]
Many Good Things
Thesis: Under the “many-good-things-of-their-own-free-will” principle (D&C 58:27), interested Latter-Day Saints could work together to build Zion (or at least, pre-Zion) communities now, instead of waiting for someone else to build Zion for us. That way, we learn from our experiences to be better prepared for the official Zion and also, when Babylon is destroyed, we […]
Who’s Game?
Q: “Given how hard it is to ‘get’ a position of authority to do anything about this in a quorum or ward or stake, couldn’t we just as well form cooperative or corporate systems ourselves with like-minded people? Rather than trying to woo and work the church system?” – TidwellTB A: I’ve been pondering this […]
Rescuing The Saints TODAY
Philip Allred’s Meridan Magazine blog post titled, “Lesson 35: A Mission of Saving” really got me thinking this morning! I believe Philip was saying, in short, just as our pioneer ancestors rescued each other temporally, we Saints today can rescue each other spiritually. “We Saints have been conditioned to sit back and watch our neighbors […]
If God Wants Us to Leave Babylon & Build Zion, Why Wait?
These statements from The Lord and his modern apostles and prophets indicate the Lord’s will that we: 1. Flee Babylon, and 2. Establish Zion. “The establishment of Zion should be the aim of every member of this Church…. “Zion comes not as a gift but because virtuous covenant people are drawn together and build it…. […]
Utah History Gives Us Plenty to Do Now to Prepare Ourselves for Zion
A response to Larry Barkdull’s article, “What Admonishments have the Prophets Given about Our becoming Zion?” Thanks, Larry, for reminding us of the goal! On President Snow’s last quote you mentioned, it points to a whole avenue of here-and-now activity in which we can participate today in preparation for building Zion – no waiting necessary. […]