By Jesse Fisher Although it doesn’t appear to have helped my career much, studying Mathematics at BYU did actually benefit me — I learned deductive reasoning. “If all frogs are green” and “Johnny has a frog”, then we can deduce “Johnny’s frog must be green”. Simple logic. Now let’s apply the same deductive reasoning to […]
Zion in Our Hearts
Becoming Zion People
If you are a Latter-Day Saint, interested in living in a future Zion society, you would probably like to know specific details on how to actually become a Zion person. We’ve been taught we need to become pure in heart, but haven’t been given clear, specific steps to take. By exploring the word of God […]
Jesse Zion in Our Hearts fear, jealousy, pride, pure in heart
149 Years Ago Today
On 7/19/1863, Apostle Heber C. Kimball closed his talk that day this way: May the Lord multiply his blessings upon you, brethren and sisters, and upon all the faithful ministers and Saints throughout the world, and may He bless all those who do good, who love righteousness and desire the welfare and building up of […]
King Benjamin Says Humility1 Leads to Humility2
Reading Mosiah, chapter 4, I noticed that King Benjamin seemed to be showing how the steppingstones to Zion, Humility1 and Humility2, relate to each other. Humility1 is a belief that not only does God live, but His wisdom dwarfs that of man, and, that we benefit from following His will. Benjamin speaks to this in […]
How Pride & Humility Affect Our Hearts & Lives
In the previous post in this thread, The Two Faces of Pride & Humility, we saw how being prideful discourages us from doing God’s will and entices us to follow our own will, to walk in our own way, instead of the straight and narrow one. In a word, pride separates us from God and […]
The Two Faces of Pride & Humility
Before we explore the effects of pride and humility on the human heart and society at large, let’s take a closer look at pride and humility themselves. Pondering President Benson’s landmark talk, “Beware of Pride“, it became clear to me that both pride and humility have two main components, how we relate to God, and […]
Where is the dividing line between Zion and Babylon?
Crossing Over Couple of years back I began pondering the location of the line dividing Babylon and Zion. As Elder Christofferson pointed out, Babylon and Zion are the antitheses and antagonists of each other. We LDS have been commanded by God to flee Babylon and have covenanted to establish Zion through His church. I think […]