“I view cooperation, when properly understood and practiced, as being a steppingstone to the Order of Enoch, and will enable the Saints who receive it in a proper spirit, to gradually prepare themselves to enter, in due time, more fully into the practice of principles necessary to accomplish the building up of the kingdom of […]
Co-ops are a Stepping Stone
As mentioned over on the Economic Unity category page, our church leaders during the mid-1800s saw cooperatives as a means to achieve that unity.
Stepping Stone to the United Order
These quotes shown below demonstrate the frequent use of the concept of cooperatives being “a stepping stone to the Order of Enoch”. When read in context, it’s easy to see they meant the widespread implementation of co-ops in the Utah Territory was intended to prepare the Saints to enter into the United Order. Sadly the United Orders were apparently rushed a tad. Within one or two years of being organized, the orders nearly all failed, with precious few exceptions.
Other Comments about Co-ops
Besides describing cooperatives as stepping stones, the Brethren also taught these ideas about them:
- Cooperation is desirable
- Co-ops are a blessing
- Co-ops help preserve the Saints from their enemies
- Co-ops prevent division into classes
- They help us become self-sustaining
- They bring prosperity
- They help us build Zion, and
- It was God’s will that the Saints “sustain cooperation”.
Quotes showing all these ideas are found in my book, “Champions for Zion“.