When you had obeyed the first ordinances of the Gospel, then you discovered that the Lord and set his hand to gather Israel, that Zion might be built up and Israel gathered from the four winds. These doctrines have been taught and re-taught again and again. I think there is not a man here who […]
Early Missionaries Taught About Zion
70. Early Missionaries Taught About Zion, Brigham Young, 1862
While the meek of the earth remain scattered among the wicked, the Elders of this Church can go forth with the Old and New Testament in their hands, and show what the Lord is going to do in the latter days, the great miracles he will perform, the gathering of his people, the saving of […]
97. Early Missionaries Taught About Zion, Brigham Young, 1867
“I want the missionaries to remember this and lay it to heart, if they will. Go and preach the gospel, and help the honest-in-heart to gather, that they may aid in building up Zion, for that was the design of the Lord when He said, through the Revelator John, ‘Come out of her, my people, […]
61. Early Missionaries Taught About Zion, Brigham Young, 1860
You came to England and preached the Gospel, and told me not to trust in man, but to seek unto the Lord my God, in the name of Jesus Christ, and receive a witness for myself and know for myself that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God, that the Book of Mormon is true, […]