We are hastening it with all possible speed, as fast as time and circumstances will admit, when it will be said, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen!” Are you going to prepare for it? We say we are the people of God and are building up the kingdom of God. We say we are gathered out […]
Early Utahns Were Building Zion
These quotes among many others clearly show that early Utahns were intentionally & actively building Zion in Utah.
100. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, George A. Smith, 1861
We came here inspired with a feeling to awaken in our breasts an unlimited desire to labor for the building up of Zion, and this desire exists in a great many Elders. – George A. Smith, 10/20/1861
102. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, George A. Smith, 1861
But only a portion of those who have embraced the Gospel under the auspices of those successful Elders, have had faith and energy enough to gather with the Saints to take part in helping to build up Zion. – George A. Smith, 10/20/1861
47. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Joseph Young, 1857
There is a handful of people in these valleys. They have come to erect his temple, build the towers of Zion, to attend to the ordinances of the Gospel, and prepare for the great things that await the earth. – Joseph Young, 10/11/1857
65. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1860
If [the mobs] will not let us alone, we will take the musket and the sword in one hand, the trowel and the hammer in the other, and build up the Zion of our God; and they cannot prevent it. – Brigham Young, 3/4/1860
30. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1856
But let me engage in active operations, even though I do not personally perform one day’s manual labor, let me see the result of my thinking budding into existence, and my mind has something to rest upon. If I cannot carry out that which is in my mind—that which I wish to accomplish in all […]
48. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Daniel H. Wells, 1857
…This is a work at which we can all labor; for it is by our united efforts that Zion will be produced in our own bosoms, in this city, in our Territory, or anywhere else. If we will do this, and be united as the heart of one man, we shall banish Satan from our […]
74. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1860
[Their converts] are not worth bringing across the Plains; for, after their arrival, they annoy and disturb the peace of others. Do such come here to build up Zion? Did such persons love the Gospel? No; or, if they did, they lost that love while coming here. – Brigham Young, 4/22/1860
39. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1856
I desire [Congress] to let us alone…. Let them attend to their own business, and we will build up Zion while they go to hell. – Brigham Young, 8/31/1856
62. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1859
Then I might say, O ye wicked nations of the earth, why do you quarrel with us all the time for doing you good? We want to build up Zion and bring up your fathers and mothers to enjoy a glory, and you are trying to prevent us. They are contending against their own lives […]
56. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1857
We can make Zion, or we can make Babylon, just as we please. We can make just what we please of this place. The people can make Zion: they can make a heaven within themselves. When people gather here, they should come with a determination to make Zion within themselves, with the resolution that, “I […]
40. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Wilford Woodruff, 1856
There must be a change in the way of the gathering, in order to save them from the calamities and the scourges that are coming upon the wicked nations of the earth. It would require more gold than all the Saints possess upon the earth, to gather the Saints unto Zion from all nations in […]
5. Early Utahns Were Building Zion: Heber C. Kimball on 3/19/1854
” I do not expect to be with you forever, neither will brother Brigham in these bodies; they are nearly worn out; they have stood a long and violent siege and will soon go the way of all the earth. Still we may live many years yet to assist in making permanent the foundations of […]
22. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Amasa M. Lyman, 1855
…how long will it take us to build up Zion, to emigrate people from the far off corners of the earth, and they apostatize and run away when they get here? – Amasa M. Lyman, 12/2/1855
55. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1857
You hear brethren talk of coming to Zion to enjoy the blessings of this land; but do you not see that it is the short-sightedness of men which causes their disappointment when they arrive here? They read in the Bible, in the Book of Mormon, and Book of Doctrine and Covenants, about Zion, and what […]
12. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Jedediah M. Grant, 1854
I am aware that some Elders who go forth and preach long and pious sermons, frequently represent Zion as one of the most delightsome places in the world, as if the people in Salt Lake City were so pure and holy that the flame of sanctity would almost singe the hair off a common man’s […]