The Prophet had a design to build a community of Saints [ie. Zion]. He had three major objectives: first, economic; second, educational; and third, spiritual. The Prophet Joseph Smith’s desire was that the Saints should become economically self-sufficient…. A treasured remnant of our heritage of economic self-sufficiency is the Church Welfare Services program. It has […]
Economic Independence
My guess is that you have never heard the idea that “building Zion” included achieving local economic independence “from Babylon”. Yet these quotes make it clear that that goal was central to the Zion-building efforts of Utah’s pre-statehood church leaders.
476. Economic Independence – Brigham Young quote, 1877
Go into debt, and pauperize the whole community, instead of building up Zion. I want you to stop. When we are in a position to build up ourselves, we are building up Zion. Let us sustain ourselves. – Brigham Young, 7/19/1877
440. Economic Independence – George A. Smith quote, 1870
Many years ago efforts were made on the part of the Presidency to extend the settlements into the warm valleys south of the rim of the Basin. The country was very forbidding and sterile. Many were invited and called upon to go and settle there. …the mass of those who went …pushed forth their exertions […]
351. Economic Independence – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1870
By and by Babylon will fall; in a little while “no man will buy her merchandise,” and the sooner we are prepared for the changes which are about to take place in our nation and in the nations of the earth the better for us. – Wilford Woodruff, 5/6/1870
377. Economic Independence – Brigham Young quote, 1877
We want to get at a correct understanding respecting all these matters which so materially concern us. What would be the first lesson necessary to teach the people, were we to commence to direct their labors to the great end of becoming of one heart and one mind in the Lord, of establishing Zion and […]
340. Economic Independence – George A. Smith quote, 1862
I wished to add my testimony to the things you have listened to. May the blessings of God rest upon us, and give unto us wisdom and ability to contribute our aid to make the people of Zion self-sustaining. – George A. Smith, 2/6/1862
334. Economic Independence – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1867
We have to build up Zion independent of the wicked; we have got to become self-sustaining, and the Lord is inspiring His prophets to preach to us to lay the foundation for the accomplishment of this work. The day is not far distant when we shall have to take care of ourselves. Great Babylon is […]
314. Economic Independence – George A. Smith quote, 1868
Man’s wants are very numerous, but his necessities are really very few, and we should abridge our wants, and go to work and manufacture everything we can within ourselves; and what we cannot manufacture we can import, and save ourselves the 40, 120, 400, or 1,000 percent that we are now paying for our merchandise, […]
300. Economic Independence – Brigham Young quote, 1870
Are you going to prepare for [Babylon’s fall]? We say we are the people of God and are building up the kingdom of God. We say we are gathered out of the nations to establish Zion. Let us prove it by our works, and we will then manufacture that which we wear. – Brigham Young, […]
216. Economic Independence, George A. Smith, 1862
I hope all that has been said by the brethren in reference to the culture of hemp, flax, indigo, and in fact all that will tend to build up Zion will be attended to, for let it be remembered that it is coming to this necessity of producing for ourselves or to go without, and […]
239. Economic Independence, Erastus Snow, 1877
How long do you think it would take if we were all producers, and converting the raw materials into useful articles, to become a self-sustaining people? And then if we heard of Babylon’s downfall, we would not of necessity lift up our hands and cry, “O Lord spare her a little longer, we are not […]
166. Economic Independence, Brigham Young, 1865
When we produce our food and clothing in the country where we live, then are we so far independent of the speculating, moneymaking world outside, whereas, if we were to dig gold, and make this our business, then should we become slaves to the producers of food and clothing, and make fortunes for speculators and […]
185. Economic Independence, Brigham Young, 1868
There are certain rules in life and certain principles to be observed by this people. They must cease trading with those who would destroy us. To be called out from the wicked, and then take a course to call the wicked to us, how inconsistent it is! If the Lord were to say, “I will […]
188. Economic Independence, George A. Smith, 1870
It appears that we have gathered many to Zion who do not fully appreciate the great work of these days—namely, to place the people of God in a condition that they can sustain themselves, against the time that Babylon the Great shall fall. Some will say that it is ridiculous to suppose that Babylon, the […]
105. Economic Independence, Wilford Woodruff, 1867
We have to build up Zion independent of the wicked; we have got to become self-sustaining, and the Lord is inspiring His prophets to preach to us to lay the foundation for the accomplishment of this work. The day is not far distant when we shall have to take care of ourselves. Great Babylon is […]
60. Economic Independence, Brigham Young, 1862
Whiskey is useful in making vinegar, and we need it for cutting camphor gum, for medicine, washings, &c., but is it necessary to keep a whiskey shop? No. And if it is right for one man to keep a whiskey shop, it is right for another, until all become whiskey peddlers and whiskey drinkers, and […]