The commandment has gone forth for the Saints to gather and build up Zion. – Brigham Young, 9/2/1860
Building Zion is God’s Will
Ever heard that it’s God’s will that the Saints build a Zion society in reality?
These quotes show that quite clearly.
20. Building Zion is God’s Will, Daniel H. Wells, 1862
Do we think that we shall be shielded from the judgments of the Almighty if we lay ourselves liable by the same acts as the world? If we do we are mistaken, for if we are guilty of the same crimes and wickedness the results will be the same with us as with the world, […]
29. Building Zion is God’s Will, Brigham Young, 1862
It is his will that we should prepare ourselves to build up his kingdom, gather the house of Israel, redeem and build up Zion and Jerusalem, revolutionize the world, and bring back that which has been lost through the fall. – Brigham Young, 8/31/1862
3. Building Zion is God’s Will: Brigham Young on 12/27/1857
“That is our errand in the world, and we have no business but to build up the kingdom of God, and preserve it and ourselves in it. Whether it is ploughing, sowing, harvesting, building, going into the canyons, or whatever it is we do, it is all within the pale of the kingdom of God, […]
473. Building Zion is God’s Will – Bruce R. McConkie quote, 1977
We have been commanded to lay the foundations of Zion and to get all things ready for the return of Him who shall again crown the Holy City with his presence and glory. – Elder Bruce R. McConkie, April 1977 General Conference
490. Building Zion is God’s Will – John Taylor quote, 1884
We are here to accomplish the purposes of God, to build up His Zion, and to establish His Kingdom upon the earth, and He expects us to do it. He expects that we will begin to do His will upon the earth as it is done in the heavens—here in this land of Zion among […]
Jesse Building Zion is God's Will, Early Utahns Were Building Zion 0 John Taylor
506. Building Zion is Gods Will – John Taylor quote, 1876
It is for us all to take a course that we may secure the favor and approbation of the Almighty, that we individually may be led by him, having his spirit always with us. Then if the Presidency be under the guidance of the Almighty, and God direct the Priesthood through them in all its […]
479. Building Zion is Gods Will – Parley P. Pratt quote, 1856
We shall be able to call into requisition the skill of the able mechanics, to have the benefit of machinery, and we shall have all the skill, and all the power, and all the wisdom, and all the treasures, and all the means necessary to build up Zion, gather the people, redeem Israel, fulfil the […]
Jesse Building Zion is God's Will 0 General Conference, Parley P. Pratt
482. Building Zion is God’s Will – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1870
Now this Zion of God has been before his face from before the foundation of the world, and it is no more going to fail in the latter days than any of the purposes of God are going to fail, hence I look upon this work as the work of God, and it makes no […]
445. Building Zion is God’s Will – Parley P. Pratt quote, 1856
…we shall have all the skill, and all the power, and all the wisdom, and all the treasures, and all the means necessary to build up Zion… and do all things necessary to accomplish the purposes of God whereunto we are called. – Parley P. Pratt, April 1856 General Conference
401. Building Zion is Gods Will – Erastus Snow quote, 1883
I say to those who are able to see and comprehend these things, it is clear and plain that God has had His eye upon this American continent as the place where He first commenced His great work on the earth… where He has determined ultimately to establish His Zion and gather together His people…. […]
408. Building Zion is God’s Will – John Taylor quote, 1881

God expects me to talk plainly. …I tell you the truth. And while He has called us to high privileges, to thrones and principalities and dominions, and to be saviors on Mount Zion… while God has ordained us for this, in the name of Israel’s God we will try and carry it out. And we […]
394. Building Zion is Gods Will – Erastus Snow quote, 1883
…for God has ordained this [American] form of government in this age of the world, and has chosen His own instruments to further His great purposes on the earth—the organization of his Church, the proclamation of the everlasting Gospel, the establishment of His Zion, and bringing to pass His wonderful works which He predicted by […]
331. Building Zion is Gods Will – George A. Smith quote, 1872
God has commenced a work in these last days to elevate mankind, to save them, to increase them, to place them on a footing of independence; to cause them to love one another and to lay a foundation for peace and harmony, that bloodshed and war, contention and devastation shall cease; that the power of […]
346. Building Zion is Gods Will – George A. Smith quote, 1858
This is the work of God, and the servants of God that are called to preside over us are the messengers of the Most High, and they have the light and the power….. From the very hour that the light began to shine… and it will blaze and burn, and it will go forth and […]
412. Building Zion is God’s Will – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1876
…it seems as though we have almost lost sight of our calling, of the object of our being gathered together, and the purposes which God requires at our hands. There is a good deal for us to do if we build up Zion…. The Lord has commanded us, and we have got to obey his […]