The Lord Almighty has set His hand to gather His people, and to build up his Zion and to establish his Church in these the last days; and the world do not like the doctrine we teach…. – Wilford Woodruff, 5/14/1882
Building Zion is God’s Will
Ever heard that it’s God’s will that the Saints build a Zion society in reality?
These quotes show that quite clearly.
385. Building Zion is Gods Will – George Q. Cannon quote, 1889
If our enemies conspire against us, let us be true to our God, true to Zion, true to the methods that God has revealed unto us for the building up of His Kingdom, and take the course that will be right and pleasing in the sight of God…. God has established His Zion, and He […]
307. Building Zion is Gods Will – John Taylor quote, 1858
…the Lord has set his hand to accomplish his designs in these last days; he has opened the heavens and revealed his purposes to his servants the Prophets, and has called his people from the ends of the earth to gather together, that he might establish his Zion upon the earth, and bring to pass […]
357. Building Zion is Gods Will – George Q. Cannon quote, 1889

We have been called to gather, not to scatter; we have been called by the Lord to build up Zion. – George Q. Cannon, 4/8/1889
324. Building Zion is Gods Will – John Taylor quote, 1880
We are told to build up Zion, shall we do it? I tell you in the name of Israel’s God we will do it with the help of the Almighty; we cannot do it without, but with his help we will do it. We will build up the Zion of our God, and help to […]
302. Building Zion is Gods Will – John Taylor quote, 1879
And God will bless and protect Israel; he will lead us forth in the paths of life—not all of us, for as we have heard, we are not all of us doing just right. But he will accomplish his purposes and roll forth his work and build up his kingdom and establish Zion, and bring […]
319. Building Zion is Gods Will – Erastus Snow quote, 1883
And we testify of these things, that God has reserved to Himself this right to command His people when it seemeth to Him good and to accomplish the object He has in view—that is, to raise up a righteous seed, a seed that will pay respect to His law and will build up Zion in […]
262. What Building Zion Requires of Us, George Q. Cannon Quote, 1881
Let us cultivate the spirit of love and kindness, and let every little unpleasantness be buried, let us forget the election difficulty and our neighbor’s difficulty, and be one, brethren and sisters together, united in building up Zion and establishing the Kingdom of God upon the earth. – George Q. Cannon, 10/20/1881
202. Building Zion is Gods Will, John Taylor, 1877
Our work is mapped out before us, it is all designed and planned by him who rules above, and it is time that every Elder in Israel fully understood this fact that the Latter-day Saints have got to take a part in all this work, and that we are not here to attend to our […]
240. Building Zion is Gods Will, Wilford Woodruff, 1884
We have come to this earth in this time upon a mission. We have been born on purpose in this generation to take part in this work. The Lord required an element to labor with. He will build up Zion. And I bear my testimony here to all men, and would to all the world […]
207. Building Zion is Gods Will, Brigham Young, 1870
Are we prepared now to establish the Zion that the Lord designs to build up? I have many times asked the questions, “Where is the man that knows how to lay the first rock for the wall that is to surround the New Jerusalem or the Zion of God on the earth? Where is the […]
170. Building Zion is God’s Will, Wilford Woodruff, 1873
We shall pass away and go to the other side of the veil, and the burden of the building up of Zion will rest upon our sons and daughters. Then rejoice in the Gospel of Christ. Rejoice in the principles of eternal life. I am looking for the fulfillment of all things that the Lord […]
233. Building Zion is Gods Will, John Taylor, 1879
It is not with us a question of what we shall eat, or what we shall drink, or what kind of houses we shall live in; it is not a matter of so much importance as it is to be doing the will of God to have our hearts engaged in his service, to feel […]
189. Building Zion is God’s Will, Wilford Woodruff, 1873
We must build up the Zion and kingdom of God on the earth, or fail in the object of our calling and receiving the Priesthood of God in these latter days. The full set time has come, which the Lord decreed before the foundation of the world—the great dispensation of the last days, and a […]
153. Building Zion is God’s Will, Wilford Woodruff, 1870
Let us lay hold and build up Zion. Let us realize that we are the children of God, that he is at work with us and that we are at work with him. It has been said that the Lord and a good man are a great majority. He has got a great many good […]
181. Building Zion is God’s Will, Wilford Woodruff, 1873
The Lord has had Zion before his face from before the foundation of the world, and he is going to build it up. “Who am I,” saith the Lord, “that I promise and do not fulfill?” The Lord never made a promise to the sons of men which he has not fulfilled, therefore Latter-day Saints, […]