We are not going to wait for angels, or for Enoch and his company to come and build up Zion, but we are going to build it. We will raise our wheat, build our houses, fence our farms, plant our vineyards and orchards, and produce everything that will make our bodies comfortable and happy, and […]
No Need to Wait
26. No Need to Wait, Brigham Young, 1862
We have all the material we need to build up Zion, and I wish the Spirit of Zion to extend from heart to heart, and from house to house. This good work must commence in each person; there must be instituted a watchful care over the passions to bring them under control, that an angry […]
52. No Need to Wait, Brigham Young, 1862
It is for us, as children of our heavenly Father, to arise and assume the right the law of the Holy Priesthood gives us, and organize the elements for a Zion, and bring it forth, no matter where we are. I would not give much for a religion that is not thus practical. – Brigham […]
450. No Need to Wait – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1875

We are blessed above all the people that breathe the breath of life upon the earth, and we are blessed above all other dispensations and generations of men, for the Lord has put into our hands the power to build up his Zion upon the earth, never more to be thrown down, and this is […]
368. No Need to Wait – George Q. Cannon quote, 1889
I say to you, and I bear testimony to it, that all the keys, all the authority, all the power, and all the Spirit that were necessary to build up Zion were bestowed upon the Prophet Joseph; and by him conferred upon his fellow-servants, and are in existence and held and exercised at the present […]
273. No Need to Wait – Keith B. McMullin quote, 2002
The establishment of Zion should be the aim of every member of this Church…. “And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.” Take special note of the word because in this scripture. Zion is established and […]
301. No Need to Wait – Brigham Young quote, 1862
We can make a Zion of God on earth at our pleasure…. by the judicious management and arrangement of this ever-existing material a Zion of God can always be built on the earth. – Brigham Young, 2/23/1862
193. No Need to Wait, Brigham Young, 1862
There is not one thing wanting in all the works of God’s hands to make a Zion upon the earth when the people conclude to make it. We can make a Zion of God on earth at our pleasure, upon the same principle that we can raise a field of wheat, or build and inhabit. […]
209. No Need to Wait, Lorenzo Snow, 1878
Wherever there is a people of God, the principles of the United Order are applicable, if they would receive and obey them. Some have thought that the United Order was to be kept only by the people who should go up to the land of Missouri. Now this, I believe, is incorrect. It would seem […]
160. No Need to Wait, Brigham Young, 1872
We want to see a community organized in which every person will be industrious, faithful and prudent…. But if such a community could be organized, to show the Latter-day Saints how to build up the kingdom of heaven on the earth, I would be glad to see it—would not you? If this could be done […]
178. No Need to Wait, Wilford Woodruff, 1873
The Lord has put into our hands the power to build up his Zion and kingdom on the earth, and we have more to encourage us than was ever possessed by any generation that has preceded us. – Wilford Woodruff, 1/12/1873
132. No Need to Wait, Wilford Woodruff, 1870
I consider that we are in a position in which we have every chance to do a great deal of good in our day and generation, we have every chance to work with the Lord, every chance to fulfil our mission and calling here on the earth. We have every chance to build up the […]
43. No Need to Wait, Brigham Young, 1862
The elements are here to produce as good a Zion as was ever made in all the eternities of the Gods. Here are the elements to produce grain which is good for the food of man, as also the fruit of the vine, and that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the […]