[Robert Mason] said, “When you read the Bible do you ever think that what you read there is going to be fulfilled? The teachers of the day,” said he, “spiritualize the Bible, but when you read in the Bible about the dreams, visions, revelations and predictions of Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, or any other of the […]
Zion Prophesied
These quotes show that the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints during the mid-1800s frequently referred to prophecies about the latter-day Zion. They saw themselves as literally fulfilling prophecies from Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah by building a Zion in Utah.
493. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1875
Jeremiah tells us where [the ten tribes] will go; he tells us there is to be a place called Zion before these tribes come out of the north countries, and when they come with a great company, the blind and the lame with them, and the Lord God leads them with supplication and with tears […]
484. Zion Prophesied – Orson Hyde quote, 1855
If I feel at our approaching Conference as I now do, I shall ask to move that our home missions be not diminished, but increased, if possible; and all set to raising wheat, and make Zion a house and city of refuge for the Saints and for the sons of strangers, that they may come […]
480. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1872
We are told in the prophecies of Isaiah that before the time of the second advent, when the glory of the Lord should be revealed and all flesh should see it together, there should be a Zion built up on the earth. – Orson Pratt, April 1872 General Conference
466. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1873
We find, in the 40th chapter of the prophecies of Isaiah, that the people of Zion are to be raised up preparatory to the second advent of the Son of God. – Orson Pratt, 6/15/1873
461. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1875
These are some of the grand events spoken of in this Bible; these are events that the Latter-day Saints believe in, and that so far as it lies in their power, they are trying to fulfill. If we are not Jews we are not required to go to old Jerusalem, but we are required to […]
448. Zion Prophesied – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1873
As I before remarked, these prophecies surrounded [Joseph Smith], forming, in one sense of the word, a band and a power he could not get out of. Why? Because no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, but holy men of old spoke as they were moved upon by the inspiration of the Holy […]
437. Zion Prophesied – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1873
Adam, our first great progenitor and father, after the fall, received this Gospel, and he received the holy Priesthood in all its power, and its keys and ordinances. He sealed these blessings upon his sons—Seth, Enos, Jared, Cainan, Mahaleel, Enoch and Methusaleh. All these men received this high and holy Priesthood. They all professed to […]
421. Zion Prophesied – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1873
Isaiah speaks of the foundation of this great Zion, and writes the whole of her history and travels up to the present day, and from this time on until the winding-up scene. If we had not been driven from Nauvoo we would never have come up the Platte River, where, Isaiah says, he saw the […]
415. Zion Prophesied – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1878
God has set his hand a second time to build up that kingdom which Daniel was permitted to see in vision, and to establish that Zion in the mountains which Isaiah saw. – Wilford Woodruff, 6/30/1878
407. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1873
In the last chapter of the first book of Nephi, the Lord, through the Prophet, speaks concerning the building up of Zion in the latter days on the earth. He says his people should be, as it were, in great straits, at certain times, but said the Prophet, “The righteous need not fear, for I […]
400. Zion Prophesied – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1869
He has set His hand to establish Zion—the great Zion of God—about which the prophets have said so much. No prophet has spoken more pointedly on this subject than Isaiah. Our drivings from Missouri, our persecutions, our travels along the Platte River, the manner of our coming to the mountains of Israel, our return again […]
393. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1858
But we have been rolling up hill for the past ten years, in fulfillment of the predictions of Isaiah, which says — ” O Zion, that bringest glad tidings, get thee up into the high mountain;” – Orson Pratt, 1/24/1858
391. Zion Prophesied – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1884
Was that Prophet inspired by the Spirit and power of God? I say in the name of Israel’s God he was, and so was Isaiah when he spoke of the gathering of the people unto the mountains of Israel to establish the Zion of God…. – Wilford Woodruff, 1/6/1884
381. Zion Prophesied – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1876
Somebody or other has got to build up Zion…. But before Christ comes, a people have got to be prepared by being sanctified before the Lord. Temples have got to be built; Zion has got to be built up; there must be a place of safety for the people of God while his judgments are […]
362. Zion Prophesied – Daniel H. Wells quote, 1872
This is what has brought this people together in the valleys of the mountains; and they are laboring now to bring forth and establish the Zion of God upon the earth, according to the words of his Holy Prophets, whose prophecies have been and are being fulfilled in the history of this people. – Daniel […]