There is a class of people among us who have thought more of money than they have about Zion. They have gone where they could get the best bargains [Walmart?] regardless of the effect it would have on the public weal. They only looked to their individual benefit and aggrandizement. There are many such among […]
What Holds Us Back
430. What Holds Us Back – George Q. Cannon quote, 1873
If we allow ourselves to be overcome by the love of the world, then farewell to our future—farewell to the glorious prospect afforded us in the revelations of Jesus Christ. But I entertain different thoughts, feelings and hopes concerning the future of this people. Doubtless, as in the past, there will be those who will […]
365. What Holds Us Back – Brigham Young quote, 1858
…and I do not care how quick the Lord Almighty cleans the [threshing] floor; for then we will build up Zion and redeem the honest in heart. But it is not for me to know the times and the seasons: it is for me to be contented in the discharge of my duty today, and […]
370. What Holds Us Back – George Q. Cannon quote, 1889
The time must come in Zion when a new order of things will be established in regard to temporal matters. We all look forward to it; we all pray for it, we all labor for it—that is, all who have the love of Zion at heart; and we deprecate and deplore everything that would retard […]
344. What Holds Us Back – Mathias F. Cowley quote, 1899
The trouble with us is, to a certain extent, we are Latter-day Saints religiously, but Gentiles financially. We are not controlled in the business affairs of life by that spirit of the Gospel which blesses and sanctifies all temporal transactions and makes them spiritual in the sight of God. – Mathias F. Cowley, Oct Conference […]
279. What Holds Us Back – Brigham Young quote, 1853
But that moment that men seek to build up themselves, in preference to the kingdom of God and seek to hoard up riches, while the widow and the fatherless, the sick and afflicted, around them, are in poverty and want, it proves that their hearts are weaned from their God; and their riches will perish […]
243. What Holds Us Back, George Q. Cannon, 1883
God has commanded us to forsake Babylon. He has called us out from Babylon; but though we have come out from Babylon we have brought to a great extent Babylon with us, the love of Babylon, the love of that which God abhors, and which He commands us to forsake. We have brought it with […]