And when I see our Bishops engaged in doing the will of God, and exerting themselves to promote the welfare of His people over whom they preside, and seeking counsel from God and other sources, and doing all they can to build up Zion unselfishly, with pure hearts and clean hands, I say, God bless […]
Search Results for: Taylor
343. Co-ops are a Stepping Stone – John Taylor quote, 1878
What was the principle of cooperation intended for? Simply as a stepping stone for the United Order, that is all, that we might be united and operate together in the interest of building up Zion. – John Taylor, 9/21/1878
398. Its Temporal Too! – John Taylor quote, 1879
There are a great many things associated also with this Kingdom that it is proper should be presented to us from time to time, that we may be enabled to act and to operate together and be one in our feelings religious, one in our feelings social, and one in our feelings political; for all […]
315. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1878
…we have been wandering about from place to place, and the Lord has blessed us in a remarkable degree. And we are gathered together, as I have said, for the purpose of building up Zion…. – John Taylor, 9/21/1878
337. Central to The Gospel – John Taylor quote, 1883
…we are a chosen people, a royal Priesthood, selected by the God of Israel for the accomplishment of His purposes, for the organization and purification of His Church, for the establishment of His Kingdom, and for the building up of His Zion on the earth. – John Taylor, 6/24/1883
307. Building Zion is Gods Will – John Taylor quote, 1858
…the Lord has set his hand to accomplish his designs in these last days; he has opened the heavens and revealed his purposes to his servants the Prophets, and has called his people from the ends of the earth to gather together, that he might establish his Zion upon the earth, and bring to pass […]
371. Central to The Gospel – John Taylor quote, 1881
We pay our Tithing and we pay Temple donations, we attend to the duties of the House of the Lord; we go forth and proclaim the Gospel of peace to the nations of the earth; we convert people, under the blessing of God, and they come to a knowledge of the principles of the Gospel, […]
277. Its Temporal Too! – John Taylor quote, 1875
…we are gathered here to serve God and keep his commandments, and to build up his Zion upon the earth. After praying for years that God would inspire his servant Brigham with the Spirit of revelation, that he might be able to lead forth Israel in the path in which they should go, he tells […]
297. Central to The Gospel – John Taylor quote, 1883
If you will give me your attention and your faith and prayers I will endeavor to address you. It always affords me pleasure to meet with the Saints of God. In company with my brethren we have been traveling up and down lately, associating with the Saints in the different conferences, trying to speak of […]
327. Central to The Gospel – John Taylor quote, 1874
I want to be the friend of God and God to be my friend; I want to help to roll forth the Kingdom of God and to build up the Zion of the Most High, and I want to see my brethren engaged in the same work, and we will do it. In the name […]
260. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, John Taylor, 1882
We are gathered here to the place we denominate Zion. There have been Zions before. Enoch had a Zion which was translated and which is reserved till the latter days. And we have a Zion to build up, which we shall do with the help of the Lord. We certainly shall accomplish these things no […]
293. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1882
And as we are here for the purpose of building up Zion, He [God] expects that we will be upright and honorable in all our dealings with one another and with all men. – John Taylor, 4/9/1882
324. Building Zion is Gods Will – John Taylor quote, 1880
We are told to build up Zion, shall we do it? I tell you in the name of Israel’s God we will do it with the help of the Almighty; we cannot do it without, but with his help we will do it. We will build up the Zion of our God, and help to […]
246. Central to The Gospel, John Taylor, 1878
We will operate together, and with all Israel and with the gods in the eternal worlds, and with the patriarchs, prophets and apostles, and all the holy men of God who have lived before us, in assisting to bring to pass all the designs of God of which the prophets have spoken, and in building […]
302. Building Zion is Gods Will – John Taylor quote, 1879
And God will bless and protect Israel; he will lead us forth in the paths of life—not all of us, for as we have heard, we are not all of us doing just right. But he will accomplish his purposes and roll forth his work and build up his kingdom and establish Zion, and bring […]
252. We are obligated to build Zion, John Taylor, 1879
It is difficult, as has been remarked, for us sometimes to realize the position we occupy—the relation we sustain to our heavenly Father—the responsibility that rests upon us, and the various duties we have to perform in the fulfillment of the purposes of God; in the interest of a world lying in wickedness; in the […]