When our Elders go out to preach the Gospel, they tell the people to gather to Zion. Where is it? It is at the City of the Great Salt Lake in the Valleys of the Mountains, in the settlements of Utah Territory—there is Zion now. But you perceive when you come here the same covetous […]
Brigham Young
34. It’s Temporal Too!, Brigham Young, 1860
Let every mechanic and every scientific man of all classes and occupations, and every woman, improve to the best of their ability, faithfully living their religion, and we shall be none too well qualified to build up Zion when that time arrives. I never saw a stonemason who thoroughly understood his trade. We have not […]
1. Central to The Gospel: Brigham Young on 7/29/1852
“If I lay down the Book of Mormon, I shall have to deny that Joseph is a Prophet; and if I lay down the doctrine and cease to preach the gathering of Israel and the building up of Zion, I must lay down the Bible; and consequently, I might as well go home as undertake […]
25. It’s Temporal Too! Brigham Young, 1860
I believe it to be the duty of all sisters who profess to be Saints to make apparel, and, if they want ornaments, make them. It is the duty of the brethren to know how to build a house, how to make a garden, and how to do everything that can be accomplished by the […]
6. Building Zion Requires Real Labor, Brigham Young on 7/13/1855
“…for if we are to build up the kingdom of God, or establish Zion upon the earth, we have to labor with our hands, plan with our minds, and devise ways and means to accomplish that object.” – President Brigham Young, 7/13/1855
2. Central to The Gospel: Brigham Young on 7/29/1852
“Don’t mention Joseph Smith — never mention the Book of Mormon or Zion, and all the people will follow you. ” – Brigham Young, 7/29/1852
4. Early Utahns Were Building Zion: Brigham Young on 2/20/1853
“You were annoyed with the ungodly conversation and filthy deeds of your neighbors, your peace was destroyed, and you could not enjoy that happiness held out to you in the Gospel; yet you felt the influence of the spirit of truth burning in your heart, which kindled in you a longing desire to mingle with […]
29. Building Zion is God’s Will, Brigham Young, 1862
It is his will that we should prepare ourselves to build up his kingdom, gather the house of Israel, redeem and build up Zion and Jerusalem, revolutionize the world, and bring back that which has been lost through the fall. – Brigham Young, 8/31/1862
10. Central to the Gospel, Brigham Young, 1853
“It now remains with us to bear off this kingdom, build up Zion, and establish the law thereof, until Christ shall reign King of nations….” – President Brigham Young, 6/7/1853 In other words, until Christ returns, our job is to prepare by building up His kingdom [which is spiritual] and building Zion [which is temporal]. […]
489. Central to The Gospel – Brigham Young quote, 1852
What has been said to you? What has been said to me? If we will preach this doctrine, the people almost universally will follow us and say, “Don’t mention Joseph Smith—never mention the Book of Mormon or Zion, and all the people will follow you.” I said, It would not do them any good, if […]
476. Economic Independence – Brigham Young quote, 1877
Go into debt, and pauperize the whole community, instead of building up Zion. I want you to stop. When we are in a position to build up ourselves, we are building up Zion. Let us sustain ourselves. – Brigham Young, 7/19/1877
377. Economic Independence – Brigham Young quote, 1877
We want to get at a correct understanding respecting all these matters which so materially concern us. What would be the first lesson necessary to teach the people, were we to commence to direct their labors to the great end of becoming of one heart and one mind in the Lord, of establishing Zion and […]
382. Its Temporal Too! – Brigham Young quote, 1877
I say, let us gather and accumulate the things of the earth in the manner indicated by the Lord, and then devote it to God and the building up of his kingdom. What little property I have I wish it to be devoted to the building up of Zion, and I suppose I have as […]
369. Its Temporal Too! – Brigham Young quote, 1870
What is my feeling today? The same as it has been for years concerning houses, lands and possessions. I say to the people, “If you will give me for my property half what it has cost me I will devote that means for the gathering of the poor and the building of Zion upon the […]
365. What Holds Us Back – Brigham Young quote, 1858
…and I do not care how quick the Lord Almighty cleans the [threshing] floor; for then we will build up Zion and redeem the honest in heart. But it is not for me to know the times and the seasons: it is for me to be contented in the discharge of my duty today, and […]
386. Central to The Gospel – Brigham Young quote, 1855
…we will roll on the Kingdom of our God, gather out the seed of Abraham, build the cities and temples of Zion, and establish the Kingdom of God to bear rule over all the earth, and let the oppressed of all nations go free. – Brigham Young, 7/8/1855