Some may be unaware that early-Utah’s LDS leaders taught that co-operatives were a means of uniting the Saints economically. And they taught that it was preparing them for their eventual return to build the New Jerusalem Zion. One Example Quote A great quote showing this was given by Elder George A. Smith in the October […]
Thoughts on Zion 32 – LDS Church Launches Cooperative System!
In 1868, while manufacturing and retailing cooperatives were thriving in Brigham City, the LDS Church leadership wanted to expand that model throughout the Utah Territory to protect, strengthen, and unite the Saints economically, and prepare them to eventually live in United Orders. General Conference that October focused on preparing the Saints to support a church-wide […]
Jesse 'Thoughts on Zion' newspaper column Cooperatives, manufacturing, ZCMI
Thoughts on Zion 29: Early Saints Prep for Babylon’s Assault
Building on the great strides taken by the LDS Church in their 2nd decade in Utah to achieve independence from the American economic system, the Saints during their 3rd decade went to even greater lengths to insulate themselves from “Babylon” . In 1867, Church leaders realized the soon-to-be-completed railroad would threaten the social and economic […]
Jesse 'Thoughts on Zion' newspaper column babylon, Cooperatives, railroad, School of the Prophets, ZCMI
Thoughts on Zion 28: Lorenzo Snow’s Experimental Zion Community
During the decade beginning in 1864, under the direction of Apostle Lorenzo Snow, Brigham City became a glowing example of Zion-like self-sufficiency and independence from the American economic system. When an extended financial crisis hit Utah in 1873, Brigham City barely noticed and their economy expanded in that year more than ever. Brigham City became […]
Jesse 'Thoughts on Zion' newspaper column Brigham City, Cooperatives, Wilford Woodruff