…the material prosperity of Zion is alone attributable to the labors of the Saints, guided and directed by the Almighty. – Daniel H. Wells, 6/1/1878
Daniel H. Wells
196. We are obligated to build Zion, Daniel H. Wells, 1860
Perhaps those who thus become disaffected may not say anything about it for a time; but they will say in their hearts and souls that they do not like this, they disapprove of that, and they despise the other…. This is because they forget that upon themselves rests the responsibility of making that Zion about […]
106. Central to The Gospel, Daniel H. Wells, 1862
Here is the Mission of the Saints to go and aid in the gathering of the poor, to labor here for the building of the Temple wherein we can officiate for the dead and prepare to redeem Zion and to build up the waste places thereof, and to establish the principles of righteousness and truth […]
67. It’s Temporal Too!, Daniel H. Wells, 1861
To build up Zion is a temporal labor; it does not consist simply in teaching: teaching is to instruct us how to properly apply our labor, the sooner and better to accomplish the end in view. Bone and sinew is required to build up the kingdom of God in the last days. – Daniel H. […]
48. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Daniel H. Wells, 1857
…This is a work at which we can all labor; for it is by our united efforts that Zion will be produced in our own bosoms, in this city, in our Territory, or anywhere else. If we will do this, and be united as the heart of one man, we shall banish Satan from our […]
53. Central to The Gospel, Daniel H. Wells, 1860
This Gospel is meat to my soul; it affords me continual pleasure; I contemplate it with delight. If I had the tongue of an angel, or of the most eloquent upon the earth it would be my delight to speak of the goodness of God and of the work he is performing; for it appears […]
20. Building Zion is God’s Will, Daniel H. Wells, 1862
Do we think that we shall be shielded from the judgments of the Almighty if we lay ourselves liable by the same acts as the world? If we do we are mistaken, for if we are guilty of the same crimes and wickedness the results will be the same with us as with the world, […]
496. Economic Independence – Daniel H. Wells quote, 1860
We have a great deal to do to destroy wickedness and establish righteousness upon the earth, and to prepare ourselves for the establishment of Zion, that she may become the head upon the earth. …Do we feel that we should be diligent and economical,…and take that course that will make us the most independent people […]
422. We are obligated to build Zion – Daniel H. Wells quote, 1872
Every person who has obeyed the Gospel has a share of responsibility to bring forth and establish this work upon the earth. None can shirk this responsibility, but it is shared by all according to their spheres and positions. Those engaged in raising families are doing their part to establish the Zion of God, just […]
Jesse We Are Obligated to Build Zion 0 Daniel H. Wells, We are obligated to build Zion
498. What Building Zion Requires of Us – Daniel H. Wells quote, 1861
We need everything else that is necessary to build up any other kingdom, and we have to produce it from the elements with which we are surrounded. We have been brought far from the wicked world, to give us an opportunity to show that we will do it, or that we will not do it—to […]
478. What Building Zion Requires of Us – Daniel H. Wells quote, 1862
Then let us step forward and take hold, prove to God and angels that we will strive to overcome this spirit of contention that is in the world, and each and all magnify our callings, get together and consult for the interests of the kingdom and for each other’s welfare, that we may act in […]
Jesse What Building Zion Requires of Us Daniel H. Wells, General Conference
464. What Building Zion Requires of Us – Daniel H. Wells quote, 1860
We have a great deal to do to destroy wickedness and establish righteousness upon the earth, and to prepare ourselves for the establishment of Zion, that she may become the head upon the earth. Will we bear correction and proper tutorage? Will we bear chastisement and throw aside our own faults and frivolous actions? Will […]
374. What Building Zion Requires of Us – Daniel H. Wells quote, 1861
While we are professing to be righteous, let us take a course to prove to God, angels, and men that we are in earnest, and will live and produce those things that are needed for our own sustenance, and build up cities and make Zion the joy of the whole earth. It is not a […]
362. Zion Prophesied – Daniel H. Wells quote, 1872
This is what has brought this people together in the valleys of the mountains; and they are laboring now to bring forth and establish the Zion of God upon the earth, according to the words of his Holy Prophets, whose prophecies have been and are being fulfilled in the history of this people. – Daniel […]
354. What Building Zion Requires of Us – Daniel H. Wells quote, 1873
A man is as much on a mission at home, building up Zion, as he is when abroad preaching the Gospel, and he should esteem his labors under the direction and dictation of the servants of God just the same. Here is where a good many make mistakes. They think that unless they are called […]
15. What Building Zion Requires of Us, Daniel H. Wells, 1857
We hold ourselves ready to go at a moment’s warning to the uttermost parts of the earth to subserve the principles of our holy religion, by making them known to others, to save Israel and bring out those the Lord has scattered, to aid in building up Zion, and in building temples of the Most […]