I fully realize what Elder Woodruff said this morning concerning the aged Elders of Israel passing away, and that the responsibility and labor of bearing off this kingdom will soon rest upon the generation which is growing up in our midst, upon which will devolve the work of carrying the Gospel to those who have […]
Erastus Snow
401. Building Zion is Gods Will – Erastus Snow quote, 1883
I say to those who are able to see and comprehend these things, it is clear and plain that God has had His eye upon this American continent as the place where He first commenced His great work on the earth… where He has determined ultimately to establish His Zion and gather together His people…. […]
394. Building Zion is Gods Will – Erastus Snow quote, 1883
…for God has ordained this [American] form of government in this age of the world, and has chosen His own instruments to further His great purposes on the earth—the organization of his Church, the proclamation of the everlasting Gospel, the establishment of His Zion, and bringing to pass His wonderful works which He predicted by […]
399. Central to The Gospel – Erastus Snow quote, 1884

The work before us is a great one… Israel is to be gathered, Jerusalem rebuilt, Zion established, the vineyard of the Lord pruned and the corrupt branches cut off and cast into the fire…. – Erastus Snow, 2/2/1884
341. We are obligated to build Zion – Erastus Snow quote, 1868
I do not mean that we shall cease feeding the hungry, no matter whether he is Saint or sinner; but cease to feed and build up the wicked who will not labor with us to develop the resources of the country and help to build up Zion. God has called us to turn away from […]
319. Building Zion is Gods Will – Erastus Snow quote, 1883
And we testify of these things, that God has reserved to Himself this right to command His people when it seemeth to Him good and to accomplish the object He has in view—that is, to raise up a righteous seed, a seed that will pay respect to His law and will build up Zion in […]
212. We are obligated to build Zion, Erastus Snow, 1882
The calling and mission of the Latter-day Saints are to fulfill what is here promised in these Scriptures—to bring about the restoration of scattered Israel, the establishment of Zion, the preparing a people for the coming of Christ…. – Erastus Snow, 5/6/1882
200. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Erastus Snow, 1880
There are facilities for many fine, flourishing settlements in [southern Colorado]; and we are establishing some colonies in that [area], consisting mostly of emigrants from the Southern States, with a few from Utah, to counsel and instruct them in the art of irrigating the soil and establishing settlements after the order of Zion. – Erastus […]
93. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Erastus Snow, 1860
“If they then begin to say in their hearts, ‘I have served the Lord for a little season; I have been baptized; I have received the Holy Ghost and have become some great one; I have received the gift of tongues, and have prophesied; I have received the power of healing the sick, and other […]
126. Building Zion is God’s Will, Erastus Snow, 1868
God has called us to turn away from the folly of sustaining and building up Babylon—the worshippers of mammon—those who have no interest in common with us in establishing Zion and building up the Kingdom of our God upon the earth. – Erastus Snow, 4/8/1868
90. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Erastus Snow, 1860
“But so long as they remain upon the earth in the flesh, they remain under the same obligation to serve the Lord today as much as yesterday, and then continue the next day and the next week as they were at first to repent and be baptized for the remission of their sins, when the […]
80. Central to The Gospel, Erastus Snow, 1860
And every true, faithful Latter-day Saint—yes, every mother and wife in Israel do feel this, and under no consideration would they throw an impediment in the way of their father, husband, or brother, to prevent their going to bear this message of life, or, if required to build up the temples of our God, to […]
57. We are obligated to build Zion, Erastus Snow, 1860
But so long as they remain upon the earth in the flesh, they remain under the same obligation to serve the Lord today as much as yesterday, and then continue the next day and the next week as they were at first to repent and be baptized for the remission of their sins, when the […]
360. Economic Unity – Erastus Snow quote, 1874

Will our trading and trafficking with the outside world cease? Of course not. As long as we are in the world, gathering Saints, preaching to the nations and building up Zion, Zion will be as a city set on a hill, which cannot be hid. But the Lord proposes to preserve his people as far […]
355. Zion Prophesied – Erastus Snow quote, 1882

The calling and mission of the Latter-day Saints are to fulfill what is here promised in these Scriptures—to bring about the restoration of scattered Israel, the establishment of Zion, the preparing a people for the coming of Christ…. – Erastus Snow, 5/6/1882
333. Economic Unity – Erastus Snow quote, 1874
The United Order of Zion, proposed for our consideration, as will be seen from the remarks that have been made by former speakers, and from the articles which were read yesterday afternoon, is a grand, comprehensive, cooperative system, designed to improve us who enter into it, financially, socially, morally and religiously; it will aid us, […]