We shall be able to call into requisition the skill of the able mechanics, to have the benefit of machinery, and we shall have all the skill, and all the power, and all the wisdom, and all the treasures, and all the means necessary to build up Zion, gather the people, redeem Israel, fulfil the […]
General Conference
485. Its Temporal Too! – John Taylor quote, 1877
I wish to make a few remarks in relation to what we term the United Order. We are united today with God, and with the holy Priesthood that existed before us, with Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant, and with the ancient Prophets and Apostles and men of God, in building up the Zion […]
480. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1872

We are told in the prophecies of Isaiah that before the time of the second advent, when the glory of the Lord should be revealed and all flesh should see it together, there should be a Zion built up on the earth. – Orson Pratt, April 1872 General Conference
478. What Building Zion Requires of Us – Daniel H. Wells quote, 1862
Then let us step forward and take hold, prove to God and angels that we will strive to overcome this spirit of contention that is in the world, and each and all magnify our callings, get together and consult for the interests of the kingdom and for each other’s welfare, that we may act in […]
Jesse What Building Zion Requires of Us Daniel H. Wells, General Conference