We have labored, in the midst of persecution, for forty years past in trying to establish Zion among the Gentiles. – Orson Pratt, 5/26/1871
Orson Pratt
180. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Orson Pratt, 1871
We have labored, in the midst of persecution, for forty years past in trying to establish Zion among the Gentiles. – Orson Pratt, 5/26/1871
493. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1875
Jeremiah tells us where [the ten tribes] will go; he tells us there is to be a place called Zion before these tribes come out of the north countries, and when they come with a great company, the blind and the lame with them, and the Lord God leads them with supplication and with tears […]
488. What Building Zion Requires of Us – Orson Pratt quote, 1879
And he will have to give more revelation on other things equally as important, for we shall need instructions how to build up Zion; how to establish the center city; how to lay off the streets; the kind of ornamental trees to adorn the sidewalks, as well as everything else by way of beautifying it, […]
480. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1872
We are told in the prophecies of Isaiah that before the time of the second advent, when the glory of the Lord should be revealed and all flesh should see it together, there should be a Zion built up on the earth. – Orson Pratt, April 1872 General Conference
466. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1873
We find, in the 40th chapter of the prophecies of Isaiah, that the people of Zion are to be raised up preparatory to the second advent of the Son of God. – Orson Pratt, 6/15/1873
461. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1875
These are some of the grand events spoken of in this Bible; these are events that the Latter-day Saints believe in, and that so far as it lies in their power, they are trying to fulfill. If we are not Jews we are not required to go to old Jerusalem, but we are required to […]
393. Zion Prophesied – Orson Pratt quote, 1858
But we have been rolling up hill for the past ten years, in fulfillment of the predictions of Isaiah, which says — ” O Zion, that bringest glad tidings, get thee up into the high mountain;” – Orson Pratt, 1/24/1858
206. Zion Prophesied, Orson Pratt, 1873
God will shield us by his power, if we are to be led forth out of bondage as our fathers were led, at the first. This indicates that there may be bondage ahead, and that the Latter-day Saints may see severe times, and that unless we keep the commandments of God, we may be brought […]
194. What Building Zion Requires of Us, Orson Pratt, 1872
In all these various dispensations God has directly spoken from the heavens; he has communicated his will to the human family. He has raised up revelators and inspired them, he has filled his servants with the spirit of prophecy, that they should foretell the future. He has inspired them to write revelations, and hence in […]
186. Economic Unity, Orson Pratt, 1854
Let us prepare ourselves for the coming of Enoch’s Zion, that we may have the same order of things among us that they had in the beginning. Then, again, it will be a glorious thing in many other respects. What is it that creates this great inequality that we naturally see in the world, in […]