The Lord requires of us to build up Zion, to gather the honest-in-heart, restore Israel to their blessings, redeem the earth from the power of the Devil, establish universal peace and prepare a kingdom and a people for the coming and reign of the Messiah. When we do all we can to forward and accomplish […]
Wilford Woodruff
40. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Wilford Woodruff, 1856
There must be a change in the way of the gathering, in order to save them from the calamities and the scourges that are coming upon the wicked nations of the earth. It would require more gold than all the Saints possess upon the earth, to gather the Saints unto Zion from all nations in […]
We Can’t Coast into Zion “Sitting on a Hemlock Slab”
Yesterday morning I was continuing my on-going search through all the talks given during the Territorial Utah years by LDS General Authorities that mention Zion. As I go through them, nearly every mention of Zion falls neatly into about a dozen general idea categories. So, I ran across a talk by Wilford Woodruff given in […]
36. Central to The Gospel, Wilford Woodruff, 1857
We are the only people to whom this holy Gospel, Priesthood, and covenants have been committed in our day; and we shall be held responsible for the use we make of them. Then we should be diligent and faithful in offering this great salvation unto the children of men, and in building up Zion and […]
28. Central to The Gospel, Wilford Woodruff, 1857
…we will go to work and labor with all our mights to build up the kingdom of our God, to carry out the purposes of the Lord, in [1] the building up of Zion, [2] the establishment of his kingdom, and [3] restoration, and salvation of the house of Israel. – Wilford Woodruff, 2/22/1857 [Numbers […]
494. Central to The Gospel – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1875
…the full set time has come to build up and favor Zion, to build up the kingdom of God, to warn the world and prepare them for the judgments of the Almighty. – John Taylor, 1/9/1881
499. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1874
We do not see today what we saw twenty-four years ago, and we do not see today what will be seen twenty-four years hence; there will be no stoppage to the building up of the Zion of God, or to the carrying out of his work. – Wilford Woodruff, October 1874 General Conference
500. We are obligated to build Zion – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1873
The Latter-day Saints cannot stand still; we cannot become stereotyped. God has decreed that his Zion must progress. We cannot remain in one groove or position. This kingdom has continued to progress from the beginning, and the little one is now more than a thousand, and it will hasten to become a strong nation, for […]
491. We are obligated to build Zion – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1878
I realize that we are called and ordained of God to labor with him and the heavenly hosts, in the accomplishment of his purposes, the bringing forth and establishing of his Zion and Kingdom in the earth, and all that has been designed to be consummated in this the dispensation of the fullness of times. […]
475. Central to The Gospel – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1858
How the soul of the Prophet [Joseph] rejoiced when he beheld the work of God spreading abroad in the earth, the truth received by the children of men, and the promises of God verified to the letter in the gathering of the Saints, and a way prepared for the establishment of Zion upon the earth. […]
482. Building Zion is God’s Will – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1870
Now this Zion of God has been before his face from before the foundation of the world, and it is no more going to fail in the latter days than any of the purposes of God are going to fail, hence I look upon this work as the work of God, and it makes no […]
351. Economic Independence – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1870
By and by Babylon will fall; in a little while “no man will buy her merchandise,” and the sooner we are prepared for the changes which are about to take place in our nation and in the nations of the earth the better for us. – Wilford Woodruff, 5/6/1870
375. Its Temporal Too! – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1878
Now, brethren and sisters, I do not wish myself to occupy all your time this morning, but I want to say to you that our position, our calling, our religion embrace the noble work of God, both temporal and spiritual, which rests upon us. We have to go forth with our hands and build up […]
471. We are obligated to build Zion – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1867
I rejoice in this work because it is true, because it is the plan of salvation, the eternal law of God that has been revealed to us, and the building up of Zion is what we are called to perform. I think we have done very well considering our traditions and all the difficulties which […]
334. Economic Independence – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1867
We have to build up Zion independent of the wicked; we have got to become self-sustaining, and the Lord is inspiring His prophets to preach to us to lay the foundation for the accomplishment of this work. The day is not far distant when we shall have to take care of ourselves. Great Babylon is […]
328. We are obligated to build Zion – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1867
We are called to build up Zion, and we cannot build it up unless we are united, and in that union we have got to carry out the commandments of God unto us, and we have got to obey those who are set to lead and guide the affairs of the Kingdom of God. – […]