Crossing Over

Couple of years back I began pondering the location of the line dividing Babylon and Zion. As Elder Christofferson pointed out, Babylon and Zion are the antitheses and antagonists of each other. We LDS have been commanded by God to flee Babylon and have covenanted to establish Zion through His church. I think it’d be wise on our part to determine where exactly the line is between the two. The better we understand that line, and where we stand relative to it, the more likely it is that we will be able to cross over.

Fruits of Pride & Humility

For me, this question, as I’ve pondered it over many months, has born fruit that is very enlightening and empowering. Elder Christofferson’s point, along with President Benson’s that “Pride is the great stumbling block to Zion” led me to make two conclusions, each with enormous implications. They are:

  1. Pride is the steppingstone to Babylon, and
  2. Humility is the steppingstone to Zion.

I’ve been then asking myself, “How, exactly, does pride lead to Babylon, and humility to Zion?”. I’ve gained four tidbits of understanding from pondering that very question:

  • How they effect those who hold pride or humility in their hearts.
  • How they become integrated into our social structures.
  • The dramatically different results they produce society-wide.
  • Pride literally “goeth before the fall” and humility leads to life and abundance.

What’s Next?

My next several blog posts will explore these four points in more detail. For example, in my next post I will examine how pride manifest in our daily lives, such as in our relationships, work, and personal beliefs. I will also delve into how societal structures and institutions can perpetuate and even reward pride, while suppressing humility. I will also discuss how humility can foster empathy, understanding and cooperation. This will ultimately lead to more harmonious and prosperous societies.


What I’ve discovered is that the line between Babylon and Zion is in our hearts and it is there we must cross over from one to the other. It is through understanding the implications of pride and humility, and making a conscious effort to cultivate humility in our lives that we can hope to cross over to Zion. As we strive to be more humble, we will improve ourselves and our relationships with others. And we will also contribute to the establishment of a more just and equitable society.