…the Lord has required His people to gather in the last days, that they might escape the sins of the wicked, and the plagues which shall be poured out upon them, and that they might be taught in His paths, taught to govern themselves, to correct their foolish habits and customs, and to train themselves […]
Monthly Archives: September 2016
149. Economic Unity, Brigham Young, 1872
We assembled in Missouri, at the place of gathering on the borders of the Lamanites, and there we bought our farms and built our houses; but could we stay there? Were we prepared then to enter into Zion, to build up the Zion of God and possess it? We were not, we must suffer. “You […]
148. What Building Zion Requires of Us, Brigham Young, 1867
Do you want to know the true policy of building up Zion, and what is required of us as a people? I can give it to you. It is to build up the Kingdom of God on the earth, to build temples and tabernacles, to preach the gospel, to sustain the families of the Elders […]
Are we all equal in the bonds of earthly things?

In 1873, Apostle Orson Pratt posed several tough questions in a talk he gave in Salt Lake City. His first question was, “Are we all equal in the bonds of earthly things?”. Here’s Elder Pratt’s background and answer to the question; he ends with two other very tough questions for us to answer today: “In […]
147. Babylon and it’s Traditions, Brigham Young, 1863
…the Elder who has dreamed of preaching the Gospel to the nations, of building up Zion and laboring for the Gospel all night in his mind and feelings, being filled with the Holy Ghost, rejoices in his sleep; his slumbers are sweet to him and he rises in the morning filled with the good Spirit, […]
Thoughts on Zion #43 – Early LDS missionaries preached about building Zion

While gathering hundreds of quotes by early LDS apostles and prophets, a very clear and startling picture began to come into focus. I was amazed to discover just how central the building of Zion was to the early Mormon Church. Over the next five installments, we’ll look at a few quotes among 92 that show, […]