Isaiah speaks of the foundation of this great Zion, and writes the whole of her history and travels up to the present day, and from this time on until the winding-up scene. If we had not been driven from Nauvoo we would never have come up the Platte River, where, Isaiah says, he saw the […]
Monthly Archives: April 2019
418. Economic Unity – John Taylor quote, 1881
We are here to build up Zion; and how ought we to feel? We want to make as good houses as we can. That is all right provided we come by them honestly. We want to lay a foundation for our children if we can. That’s all right. But do not let our hearts and […]
415. Zion Prophesied – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1878
God has set his hand a second time to build up that kingdom which Daniel was permitted to see in vision, and to establish that Zion in the mountains which Isaiah saw. – Wilford Woodruff, 6/30/1878
414. Babylon – Zion’s Antithesis – John Taylor quote, 1875

Now then, in regard to our temporal affairs, these are the things which seem to perplex us more or less. We have been brought up in Babylon, and have inherited Babylonish ideas and systems of business; we have introduced, too, among us, all kinds of chicanery, deception and fraud. It is time that these things […]