Not long since I was talking with one of the brethren, who has crossed the Plains this season, in regard to the propriety of companies starting so late. He argued that it was far better for the Saints to be striving with all their might, doing all they could to serve the Lord and keep […]
Early Utahns Were Building Zion
These quotes among many others clearly show that early Utahns were intentionally & actively building Zion in Utah.
417. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Franklin D. Richards quote, 1884

While it is well with us here, and we are enjoying all these blessings, it is but right, I think, that we should ask our Father in heaven that the day of [the Israelites’] affliction and sorrow may soon come to an end, and that they may come, as we have come, with obedient hearts […]
376. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1884
We are here to build up the Zion of God, and not to build up ourselves. – John Taylor, 7/20/1884
397. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1882
Consequently our teachings during Conference will be to instruct the people how to live and order their lives before the Lord and each other; how to accomplish the work devolving upon them in building up Zion on the earth. – John Taylor, 11/30/1879
441. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1881

And when I see our Bishops engaged in doing the will of God, and exerting themselves to promote the welfare of His people over whom they preside, and seeking counsel from God and other sources, and doing all they can to build up Zion unselfishly, with pure hearts and clean hands, I say, God bless […]
315. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1878
…we have been wandering about from place to place, and the Lord has blessed us in a remarkable degree. And we are gathered together, as I have said, for the purpose of building up Zion…. – John Taylor, 9/21/1878
312. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Henry B. Eyring quote, 2009
In the terrible days of persecution and deprivation as the faithful moved from Ohio to Missouri to Illinois and then across the deserts going west, the sisters in their poverty and sorrows cared for others…. Some were young and some old. They were from many lands and peoples, as you are today. But they were […]
338. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – George Q. Cannon quote, 1884
We would have a pure people here; we would have a Zion such as the Bible describes, if we were allowed; we would have a city in which angels might walk in the streets all day, if we could have our way; but Satan says: “You shall not.” – George Q. Cannon, 1/6/1884
349. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – George Q. Cannon quote, 1882
It is upon President Taylor night and day, I know. Every thought and desire of his heart is for the salvation of this people, and to establish and build up the Zion of our God. – George Q. Cannon, 10/29/1882 No truer words were ever spoken! Of the 80 recorded talks President Taylor gave […]
329. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Orson Hyde quote, 1855
If I feel at our approaching Conference as I now do, I shall ask to move that our home missions be not diminished, but increased, if possible; and all set to raising wheat, and make Zion a house and city of refuge for the Saints and for the sons of strangers, that they may come […]
289. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Brigham Young quote, 1857
We know that the world is angry at us, and that we cannot help. We mean to pursue our course, build up the kingdom of God on earth, and establish Zion. – Brigham Young, 6/7/1857
326. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Brigham Young, Jr. quote, 1884
They strive to practice what they preach, and the Saints in the South are no exception to this rule. They are seeking to live their religion, to serve God, to perfect themselves in the knowledge of the truth, and to build up a Zion here in this Territory. – Brigham Young, Jr., 6/22/1884
274. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Brigham Young quote, 1874
We are trying to unite the people together in the order that the Lord revealed to Enoch, which will be observed and sustained in the latter days in redeeming and building up Zion; this is the very order that will do it, and nothing short of it. We are trying to organize the Latter-day Saints […]
322. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Brigham Young quote, 1867
…we can build up Zion and be of one heart and of one mind… – Brigham Young, 4/6/1867
260. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, John Taylor, 1882
We are gathered here to the place we denominate Zion. There have been Zions before. Enoch had a Zion which was translated and which is reserved till the latter days. And we have a Zion to build up, which we shall do with the help of the Lord. We certainly shall accomplish these things no […]
293. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1882
And as we are here for the purpose of building up Zion, He [God] expects that we will be upright and honorable in all our dealings with one another and with all men. – John Taylor, 4/9/1882