…how long will it take us to build up Zion, to emigrate people from the far off corners of the earth, and they apostatize and run away when they get here? – Amasa M. Lyman, 12/2/1855
Early Utahns Were Building Zion
These quotes among many others clearly show that early Utahns were intentionally & actively building Zion in Utah.
55. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1857
You hear brethren talk of coming to Zion to enjoy the blessings of this land; but do you not see that it is the short-sightedness of men which causes their disappointment when they arrive here? They read in the Bible, in the Book of Mormon, and Book of Doctrine and Covenants, about Zion, and what […]
503. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1884
This is what we are gathered here for—to build up the Zion of our God, to establish the Kingdom of God, and to purify and exalt the Church of the living God. – John Taylor, 2/10/1884
12. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Jedediah M. Grant, 1854
I am aware that some Elders who go forth and preach long and pious sermons, frequently represent Zion as one of the most delightsome places in the world, as if the people in Salt Lake City were so pure and holy that the flame of sanctity would almost singe the hair off a common man’s […]
13. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Brigham Young, 1855
When our Elders go out to preach the Gospel, they tell the people to gather to Zion. Where is it? It is at the City of the Great Salt Lake in the Valleys of the Mountains, in the settlements of Utah Territory—there is Zion now. But you perceive when you come here the same covetous […]
31. Early Utahns Were Building Zion, Jedediah M. Grant, 1856
But we desire to appear before thee [Lord] with clean hands and hearts, to call upon thee for thy blessing and do thy will, that our inheritance may be blest and all we have, and that all the efforts we make to build up Zion and rear temples to thy name may be blest, that […]
4. Early Utahns Were Building Zion: Brigham Young on 2/20/1853
“You were annoyed with the ungodly conversation and filthy deeds of your neighbors, your peace was destroyed, and you could not enjoy that happiness held out to you in the Gospel; yet you felt the influence of the spirit of truth burning in your heart, which kindled in you a longing desire to mingle with […]
444. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Brigham Young quote, 1870

Consequently our teachings during Conference will be to instruct the people how to live and order their lives before the Lord and each other; how to accomplish the work devolving upon them in building up Zion on the earth. – Brigham Young, October 1870 General Conference
499. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Wilford Woodruff quote, 1874
We do not see today what we saw twenty-four years ago, and we do not see today what will be seen twenty-four years hence; there will be no stoppage to the building up of the Zion of God, or to the carrying out of his work. – Wilford Woodruff, October 1874 General Conference
432. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1884

This is the work devolving upon us. We have to build up here a Zion unto God. – John Taylor, 5/18/1884
449. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Brigham Young quote, 1853
When you were gathered with the Saints of the Most High, and became associated as a brother, a sister, and a neighbour with that blessed society, you expected… that you would be in heaven, and in the Zion of the Lord. These were your expectations. – Brigham Young, 2/20/1853
490. Building Zion is God’s Will – John Taylor quote, 1884
We are here to accomplish the purposes of God, to build up His Zion, and to establish His Kingdom upon the earth, and He expects us to do it. He expects that we will begin to do His will upon the earth as it is done in the heavens—here in this land of Zion among […]
Jesse Building Zion is God's Will, Early Utahns Were Building Zion 0 John Taylor
452. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Brigham Young quote, 1877
We have no business here other than to build up and establish the Zion of God. – Brigham Young, 4/6/1877
477. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1879

But that we might be a peculiar people full of the light of truth and intelligence and revelations of God; that we might be a people having no longer need of the oral law or the written law, but a people upon whose hearts the law of God shall be written and engraven as in […]
467. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – Orson Pratt quote, 1871
We have labored, in the midst of persecution, for forty years past in trying to establish Zion among the Gentiles. – Orson Pratt, 5/26/1871
396. Early Utahns Were Building Zion – John Taylor quote, 1882

We are here as the representatives of God upon the earth to accomplish his purposes, and to carry out his designs, to spread forth his Gospel, to build up his kingdom, to establish his Zion…. This is what we are here for, as I understand it, and this is what we will do…. – John […]