The Relief Society played a starring role during the Saints’ 3rd decade in the Utah Territory in the Church’s efforts to protect their economic unity from the anticipated negative effects of the completion of the transcontinental railroad. In 1865, Brigham Young had suggested women organize around the goal of promoting in-home manufacturing and self-sufficiency, and […]
Thoughts on Zion 29: Early Saints Prep for Babylon’s Assault
Building on the great strides taken by the LDS Church in their 2nd decade in Utah to achieve independence from the American economic system, the Saints during their 3rd decade went to even greater lengths to insulate themselves from “Babylon” . In 1867, Church leaders realized the soon-to-be-completed railroad would threaten the social and economic […]
Jesse 'Thoughts on Zion' newspaper column babylon, Cooperatives, railroad, School of the Prophets, ZCMI