Suppose we should examine a city in a stake of Zion conducted after the order of Enoch! We would like to look, for a few moments, upon the facts as they would exist. If a people were gathered together, were they many or few, who would follow out the instructions given them in the Bible and in the other revelations that we have, they would have to be very obedient, and probably many would feel to say, “I wish to manage my own affairs, I wish to dictate myself, I wish to govern and control my labor, I cannot submit to have anybody else dictate me. This is servitude, and is nothing more nor less than slavery!” I suppose there are some who would feel thus.
– Brigham Young, 10/9/1872
This quote shows the contrast between the obedience required to achieve a Zion level of society, and the stubborn independence of men who think they must be in total control of their labors. The irony is that their independence in Babylon can never create a Zion, which would bring them the long-term peace and prosperity they seek.